Most men are physically starved; Most women are emotionally starved; And they both need spiritual feeding first, before their physical and emotional needs can be met. -paraphrasing from Pastor Randy from church tonight.
I find myself recently, when I hear of friends, who have just gotten engaged, or recently started dating, who seem to have "found someone", instead of being excited for them and sharing in their happiness, I instead am wishing it was me. (I think that was just a run-on, or the longest sentence ever...) I have the completely wrong attitude about it. And my prayer recently is that I won't become a bitter single woman. I detest that attitude and it isn't glorifying to God, nor attractive to the 5 single men left between the ages of 20 and 35.... {I did a quick head count and that appears to be a rough, but close estimate.}
Seriously though, God may not have called me to a married life. He may not have called me to an entirely single life either. I don't know. What I do know, is that He called me to abide in Him. To be continually held, to remain with Him. In Colossians 4:2, we are instructed to continually be in prayer, with a thankful heart. An appreciative heart for all He has done, and continues (present tense!) to do.
My flesh is weak, and yearns to find happiness and wholeness in the temporary, the human. Lord, replace this desire for companionship, with one that completely desires you, and you alone.
with humility and love,
love you. em.
Oh Emily. I can't understand your emotions or feelings so I won't pretend to have advice for you. I do know that it's not wrong to long for that. God has probably given you that desire. I love watching you run hard after God to gain wisdom & understanding through this. I also know that you aren't alone. I have 2 dear friends who feel the same way. They love God and yearn for their husband who isn't even on the radar. You aren't alone.
My Uncle George did not get married until he was 42 years old. And then he had a kid a few years later! I think time is just a thing we humans like to use. It doesn't apply to God.
Sal-Is your Uncle George the one with the crazy kids who run around naked? 'Cause if so, then its not so inspirational, but if not, then, yeah for God's timing and Uncle George! :)
God has a definite plan for you, Emily. Stop yearning so hard for the "man" and start yearning for what you say in your blog...God!! I love you dear, Emily. But I'm sad, so sad when I read about your loneliness.You cause such joy in so many people's lives!! And God's man for you will see that joy, too!! Missing you a bunch, Em. Tears rolling down my cheek - mom
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