Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Oh those crazy stories

I'm going to try and re-enact the eccentric, yet commonplace conversation that happened today between myself, my patient, and staff members 1 and 2.

patient: ....So i knew Cal Ripken Jr, when he was just this high (extends his arm, palm down to about 5 1/2 feet tall.) It was in Aberdeen, Maryland. I used to go hear that one country singer's brother play. He was a drunk

Me: What country singer?

Patient: well, that one, he was kind of skinny...had a couple good hits. I think his son is a country singer too...

Staff Member 1: Waylon Jennings?

P: no...

Me: Merle haggard?

P: no.... his first hit was a song about billboards, and looking at ladies on them as he drove down the road.

Staff member 2: did he have his own tv show?

P: well, yes. well...maybe, I don't know. He played lead guitar a lot.

Staff #2: Was it the Porter Wagoner show?

P: No...

Staff #2: Buck Owens? the Buck Owens show?

Me: Andy Williams? Johnny Cash?

P: No, not those guys. he was around in the 60's.. just died. Sang a song about girls on billboards.

Staff #1: Are you sure it wasn't Buck Owens?

P: No, it wasn't Buck Owens... He was a skinny guy. His brother was a drunk, and he used to play in the bars in Aberdeen, Maryland. I'd see him play a lot.

Me: Roger Miller? Was it Roger?

P: No, before Roger.

Staff #1: Is he still alive?

P: No, he just died...he tried to get on the Buck Owens show, but he was only 15, living in WAshington.... He died young, on a motorcycle...

Me: I thought you said he just died?

P: He DID just died, this is somebody else I'm talking about. He was 15 and tried to get on the Buck Owens show...wrote a lot of songs...

STaff #2: But the guy whose brother was a drunk in Maryland, just died?

P: yeah, he was a skinny guy. But his brother was a helluva singer too, even if he was a drunk.

----> Literally, this conversation when just like this for about 10 minutes.... finally I did the only thing I knew to do, being a good 25 years younger than these people: I googled.

Google Search: Girl on a billboard driving down the highway + country song

The one, the only, Del Reeves (who's heard of him?) wrote "Girl on a billboard" and it went to #1 on the country music Charts in 1965. It was his only #1 hit. He died in 2007. And his brother was a helluva singer who was also a drunk, who lived in Aberdeen, Maryland. And that's just another day at the nursing home.


Anonymous said...

That's crazy...well, the patient wasn't crazy after all, huh? Who knew.

sowlee said...