Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Tales From the Crypt, or nearly Crypt Nursing Home

Saturday I worked 7 hours at Barnes and Noble and got to see some long lost friends come through the line! So to Toby, Heather, Leslie, Randall, and Pam, so good to see you!!!

One of my patients, who has Alzheimer's, told me today:

"You're pretty. (Declarative statement) Do you know that?"

"Well, thanks Miss H."

"You're not going to be pretty for long if you keep hanging out with us old farts."

Truer words were never spoken.


Some of the patients at the Nursing Home have more advanced stages of dementia than others. (*Obvious Girl!*) One of the more progressed patients, who likes to yell, was yelling the other day: "Adult Diaper Change! Adult Diaper Change!" After that he was yelling "Diaper Bowl! Diaper Bowl!" I think he's actually a prophet, I mean, Texas Tech is undeservedly going to the Cotton Bowl....


The other day I was doing passive range of motion on a 99 year old, very progressive dementia patient who had a broken leg. That pretty much means I move her arms and legs gently once a day to make sure she doesn't get bed sores. She is non-verbal so there wasn't a whole lot of conversation going on during the treatment. The nurses had her tv playing, and while I was in there a commercial for a law office came on. It was regarding nursing home abuse and neglect. It stated that people should call their office "If someone you know has died in a nursing home." Sheesh, reallY? Isn't that the whole point of a nursing home? Somewhere you go to die when there is no one available or capable to take care of you? I think this law office needs to get a new Ad agency.


It's Christmas time and to be perfectly honest, I'm not feeling very Christmas-y at all. I understand that we all have to go through our first Christmas without our parents around, and I really should be thankful that mine aren't deceased, just 8700 miles away. 8700 miles feels like a long way when you can't pick up the phone anytime you want just to say hi. Or to tell your parents you will never put them in a nursing home. :)

Season's Greetings,


Anonymous said...

Hey Em! I bet its not feeling too Christmasy with your parents gone. I bet Pam is having withdrawals from not getting to buy all the kids presents this year and see y'alls sweet faces Christmas morning. Hey, what's the Whinfrey's address? We need to get our card in the mail to y'all.

I think I saw that commercial. So should I call because my Mimi died in a nursing home?

Steve and Pam said...

Hey, Em and Leah,
You are 'dead' right...I'm missing buying presents, missing baking for arriving kids and grandkids, and missing looking forward to all the unwrapping of surprise packages. What I'm not missing are 1) spending too much on presents 2) getting it to all come out even Ha, 3) deciding who gets the infamous turtle neck, and 4)being late with Christmas cards- just not sending them from N.- solves that problem.

I really miss Em cause she's the best shopper pal! So, Em, since you and your siblings are not going to put us in a nursing home we can look forward to your pushing me through the mall at Christmas and shopping that way!! DEAL???

Since few if any of your patients can remember anything for any length of time, you can be sure that you are making a 'momentary' impact on them...keep making them smile!! Love you! Mom

kelsey said...

Adult diaper change! Adult diaper change! (I'm just practicing)

sowlee said...

ha ha. you're funny. Do you know that?

Steve and Pam said...

wanna new post, wanna new post, wanna new post!!!