If I could live anywhere, at anytime, this is what I would do:
I would live in Boston, MA June through November.
For the month of December I would live at our cabin in New Mexico.
January, February, March, I would live in Hawaii.
April and May I would live in the Hill Country of Texas.
If I could do anything, I would be a volunteer physical therapist who didn't have to write medicare certs and do paperwork. I would also do all the physical therapy in a gym that had no walls and just a roof on it, and the weather would always be nice.
On the side, I would be a free-lance writer. Maybe other people would read it, maybe not.
It's fall here in Boston, which is a great time. I love "You've got Mail" and when he says, "I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils" so sweet. It's just cool enough now where you need a jacket to go out, but not bundled up like the kids on "A Christmas Story"
My parents are officially gone. It's only been a week, and at least a dozen times I've gone to pickup the phone and call them for advice, or to self-ishly complain to an empathetic ear, or just to say hi, but alas, I can't. It's good for me, I know. I need to learn to completely rely on God and absolutely no one else. People will disappoint you, they will hurt your feelings, make you cry, but God will NEVER disappoint, ALWAYS love, and is CONSTANT in His Character.
It's amazing how much peace I have right now, despite the chaos around me. In 4 days I will be officially jobless. I have rent, bills, student loan obligations, the economy is in crisis, my parents just moved half-way around the world, and yet, I have complete peace about leaving MGH, and moving on to the next part of my career. To the world, it doesn't make sense, but I know God, and I know that He will provide, He will lead, He will never let me down. "Some trust in chariots, and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God" Psalm 20:7
1 comment:
Ah, Em, I am able to get on the web tonight and went straight to your site since the other email sites wouldn't load. We miss talking to you, and if we had a phone we might likely pick it up too to call. Believe me, it's equally hard for your mom and dad to 'leave it all to our kids'. But we DO know and ARE assured that the Lord will go ahead of you and direct your ways.
Today we went on ministry assignments. Dad and I and one other American went with a team of 3 to the state hospital in Muchakos. We then divided into teams and went to our assigned wards to witness / minister to the patients. My assignment was to pray with each patient. That is a first for me in that setting. I was so humbled that the Lord would trust me with that. The women were wonderful, had many needs, and were so concerned for their families.
We are doing just fine. I'm praying for a job soon for you!! You could come to Namibia and do PT as you describe!! :)
Love and blessings, dear daughter.
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