Monday, September 01, 2008

Sweet Seventeen Pajamas...When You're 26

Toothbrushes and Toothpaste Pajamas: March 5, 1999 0600

Same Toothbrush and Toothpaste Pajamas: August 28, 2008 2100
Oh yes, the toothbrush and toothpaste pajamas. They were given as a pre-birthday gift by the infamous Harrison sisters as a prelude to a birthday morning breakfast surprise. I purposefully did not post the picture of me emerging from my room minutes after the wake-up surprise. Not my finest hour. But then again, when you are wearing matching pajamas with toothpaste and toothbrushes on them, how can you look bad?
It's now almost 10 years later, and I still wear the pajamas. I've recently been trying to get rid of clothes that either: I really don't wear anymore but have emotional attachment to or are not age-appropriate. I do have an emotional attachment to these pajamas, good memories with them, but given that they are almost 10 years old, and I am 26, perhaps its time I passed them on. I once called them my "guest pajamas" because I would wear them when I was a guest in someone's home. I thought they seemed a little bit "fancier" if you will, just because they matched. And matching pajamas are usually hard to find in my drawer. However, I did have a few honest friends that pointed out that just because they matched, they still had teeth hygiene paraphernalia on them, and maybe they weren't so fancy as this West Texas girl thought.

Why post about matching pajamas today? I guess I'm a little nostalgic. It may sound pretty silly, but I'm homesick. or maybe feel a little homeless. Obviously, not in the physical sense. I'm blessed beyond compare with a great place to call my home. However, my heart feels homeless. My parents no longer live in Lubbock; the place I called "home" for 15 years is no longer ours. My sisters both have homes of their own, but they've never been my home. I love Boston, but I came here to work and last week I told my boss that the 2nd week in October would be my last day there....I know, I just slipped that big announcement in there like it was no big deal. This was not a rash decision on my part after a bad day of work. It came after God telling me that my season at MGH was over. Something I had prayed about and thought about and struggled with for several months now. So, where is home?
Philippians 3:20 says "But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ"
I know that my natural, earthly flesh wants something physical here on earth to count on for stability and security, but in my heart, I know Jesus Christ and his love is the only unchanging constant in my life that I can and should rely on.
However, knowing this in my heart doesn't always change my emotions, the sadness, and homesickness I feel. I don't know if that is spiritual immaturity on my part, or if that is just the way it is. No matter what, for me, it is a minute-by-minute decision to count only on Christ and on nothing else. If I let myself stray from him, I risk getting swept up in the tumultuous winds of change.


Anonymous said...

emily! i'm hugging you from texas. and the pajamas. oh dear. so many memories :) love love love you.

Anonymous said...

erin you stink for having sent hugs first. i´m sending them too, and mine are even bigger ones. and who in the world would have said a thing about those pjs? one word. awesome. love you.

sarita said...

I personally love the pj's, I mean, how could pj's get any fancier than tooth hygiene paraphanalia??? Big changes are coming it sounds like - I'm going to need the details if that's alright with you : ). I love you!!!

Steve and Pam said...

You are soooo funny, Em! I remember that morning of the 'kidnaping' - and here I thought you tossed those pj's when you moved to Boston! LOL

sowlee said...

where are you going? why?

Elle said...

I can't believe you still have those! Love it! But seriously, no hurt feelings if you decided to lay them to rest... I'm just sayin...