Monday, July 14, 2008

Young at Heart

April 2007

July 2008
How things change in just a year! My sweet Pennsylvania BFF is now almost 3, and is talking so much! She can now really say my name and we had a great time catching up this weekend. We did all the things most best friends would do after a long absence: Play dress-up, watch her grandfather trim the bushes with as much awe as if we were watching the moon landing, practice jumping forward and backward, then side to side, and last but not least, take turns "talking" on an Elmo phone.

She's a love and it makes me so glad to have friends, that are just like family.

In other news, I discovered that drivers on the Massachusetts Turnpike are completely unaware of the "left lane is for passing" idea. So, apparently its cool for a long line of cars to all drive in the left hand lane, without anyone having any intention of moving back over. I did my best to lead by example, but I don't think I made any long-term impact.

Mom, you have my love. I hope this satisfies your "anonymous" desire for more leisure reading! Have fun with VBS this week!


Steve and Pam said...

Yes, my leisure reading is satisfied on "both" blogs!!! Saddles and Elmo...quite exciting! So 'giddee up' both of you!

VBS is going great! The kids like the animals; we'll see how they fare with the Namibia kids tomorrow. Lunches and dinners with 1BC friends are wonderful and my sweet innocent 9 year old granddaughter is a hoot!! I don't think her momma and daddy feed her at all :) We are headed for the pool and more entertaining dinner tonight with Nagles along. I do so love it up here in PA- always have and always will. Miss you, Em. Give your bro a hug - I think he needs it. Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Someone is not writing posts! Hmmmm, I wonder what could be more important than keeping your reading audience entertained??? In fact, hardly anyone on the lists of friendly bloggers has posted anything in weeks. Wonder what's keeping them occupied??? Reading this and other blogs??? HMMMMMM

sowlee said...

Congrats on the pounds. I don't know how your weight watchers "meetings" do it but one of the classic phrases the leaders used in my past experience was "I hope to be seeing less of you next week!"
I know your love of the pun so I thought you could appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

Is a new post coming??? :)

Sara said...

We (your loyal readers) really want to see some new posts! :)

sowlee said...

hey! got your message and my piece of crap phone service in petersburg prevented me from returning the call. is the good news that Tech is ranked 9th or was there something else??? Text me or leave me a message or email or something!!!!!!!!!! The suspense is killing me!