Random thoughts:
My first patient of the day, who randomly told me last time his opinion that all Texans start drinking and driving at 7am, told me my hair "looked nice". Only to be followed by "did you get it relaxed or something?" ... that's a negative Ghostrider. It's called wet hair. As in, I just got out of the shower and ran here barely making it for your appointment. {no, I didn't actually tell him that, he got a "thanks!"}
Speaking of hair, my boss asked me today if I got my haircut. Technically yes. 2 1/2 months ago.
Here's a good thing: I won 2 tickets to a New England Revolution Soccer Game! Who's free a week from today?
Walking home from work today, I found myself walking behind a very sl-ow walking older couple. After a few seconds of walking behind them, I realized, I know those suspenders! And I've seen those canes before! Wait a sec! That's my patient and her husband who didn't show up to her appointment today! Seriously though, y'all know my love for old people, I can't be mad. So I greeted them like we were old friends in Lubbock running into each other at United. We discussed the weather, their health, and traffic. C'est la vie!
So tomorrow I'm driving to Pennsylvania to see my aunt and uncle, and my mom and niece are flying up from Texas on Saturday, so I get to see them too! And better yet, after a year break, I'm finally getting to play some golf! My uncle and I are planning to play Friday or Saturday and I can't wait to get back in the swing of things...ha.
Things I'm thankful for today: 3lbs less, yummy leftovers, friends, and good health.
You make me laugh, Em! I read the sentence "that's a negative Ghostrider" , as in negative as an adjective of Ghostrider!!! I just re-read it and realized that it's "that's a negative, (COMMA) Ghostrider"...LOLOLOL You are SLY!!! I'm jealous of you playing golf! However, Paige and I are going to ride the rides (some!) at Knoebels one day next week!! See you this weekend!!
Oh Knoebels...that sure does bring back memories! I'm working on getting Paige packed....it seems like all I've done this summer is pack suitcases, unpack suicases, go to work, pack suitcases, unpack suitcases, go to work...
See a pattern??? :)
And Mom...you make ME laugh at having to re-read "that's a negative ghostrider!" HA!
That's your mom!! Love you girls!
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