Monday, April 26, 2010

Bring on the pain

I work with a lot of patients who are in pain. It seems like a majority of them have very low thresholds of pain, which makes everything more difficult. I try my best to be sympathetic, but at times this proves to be a challenge.
Recently, I've been praying that if I have any type of injury (I also pray I won't) but if I do, that I would have a high tolerance for pain.

Be careful what you pray for.

A week and a day ago, I was on a walk with friends, and was trying to imitate my friend who
was doing this VERY complicated jump that she did in 8th grade basketball. I tried, failed, and landed on my left foot, twisting my ankle as I landed in a puddle of water. Awesome.

No worries. I walk/run/dance it off, and the next day I start listening to my inner PT by resting it, and icing it after work. Fast forward seven days and I'm about ready to start running again. Until today, when I accidentally dropped a part of a lamp that weighs about 5lb. directly on my big toe. Of the right foot. In flip-flops. "Lord Jesus what did I pray for?!?" was all I could think as I stood there paralyzed by the throbbing pain in my foot. Awesomer.
In addition to that, I have a burn on my wrist about the size of a nickle, where I was trying to grill some chicken, and came a little too close to grill.

God is definitely testing my pain threshold. Either that, or I'm just the clumsiest PT ever. Not a good combination (clumsy + PT) seeing as I always tell my patients "my number one goal is for you to be SAFE and independent as possible."

Hmmm...i think I'll be the kettle this time.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

Erin said...

you can be the kettle or the pot. you look fabulous in black.