Some people may consider a city with 200,000 people big, but Lubbock has always felt small. When I graduated high school I wanted to move away because I thought I would be constantly running into people I graduated with and that was the last thing I wanted to do. I think most of the people I went to school with liked me, I was nice and smart, however in junior high and part of high school I wasn't the most attractive student in attendance. I was chubby with big hair that never did what I wanted it to, glasses, and braces. Not exactly a recipe for popularity.
Fast forward seven years. My fears of consistently running into fellow alumni were completely unfounded. Perfect..... Uh, that is until this past week.
Monday: While running errands with Graham, (with no make-up on) we stop at Chick-fil-A (soo good!) so he can eat lunch. And who do I see? Matt Davis. Matt is a guy that I had a crush on in junior high. I can't remember him actually ever talking to me (communication is sooo overrated) except for once in 7th grade when he asked me to use my "Accelerated Reader" points to buy him a basketball jersey the school was selling. Yeah, I was that girl, the one with the obscene amount of Accelerated Reader points.
Tuesday: Wearing baggy jeans, an old t-shirt from high school, and still no make-up, I meet my fabulous friend Allison at Zoo-kinis. I walk in and upon not seeing Allison there yet, I sit in their waiting area. I'm the only person waiting, but I don't really mind. Who should walk in? Matt Davis. Yeah, same guy. Seriously? Yep. I'm just that lucky. Do I say anything to him? Of course not, I revert back to my junior high self and sit there mute. Allison finds me and we get seated and where do they sit him? At the table right next to me. *sigh* If you get this chance, two days in a row to talk to somebody you haven't seen in over 7 years, don't do what I did. Don't chicken out, take the chance.
Wednesday: While eating at Abuelos (actually wearing make-up and looking nice!) I see Lara and Chad. I went to school with both of them, had classes with both of them. I very brazenly (and uncharacteristically) wrote in Chad's yearbook our senior year, something to the effect of "if you ever break-up with Lara, call me!"... uh yeah. I don't think Lara really liked me after that! HA! I can't say I blame her. I ran into Chad sometime in undergrad and after a short conversation with him, I realized how glad I was that he never called. I think they're married now.
Friday: On our way to Rosa's (Pause: I promise I usually don't eat out this much in one week) Graham asks me about a girl that I graduated with that he was pretty sure he saw the last time he went to Rosa's. I tell him that the girl he saw was probably Lacey. I have no stories about Lacey. She was a cheerleader and I, uh, was not. We just never talked. No interesting stories. Anyways, we get to Rosa's and who do we see? Lacey!
What a crazy week, it felt like the Twilight Zone. I'll probably make an effort in my appearance for my last week and a half in Lubbock, just in case this trend continues. The good news is that we don't have to be defined by who we were in junior high or high school. That was ages ago. We, no scratch that, I should be living in the present and glad for where God has brought me.
1 comment:
This posts makes me long for those wonderful Lubbock restaurants.
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