May 19-Graduated
July 2-Passed the National Physical Therapy Exam, on the first try!!!
July 27 – Received a call from a great Boston Hospital offering me a job as a staff physical therapist!!
So, I applied for this job, not even expecting to get an interview because the ad was calling for PTs with at least 3 years of experience… My years of experience? A big fat ZERO!! So they called me for an interview and I went, and I was very nervous and very sweaty! I took the train and had to walk a couple of blocks to get there, in heels, which, by the way one of my heels got stuck in a crack in the brick sidewalks and I walked right out of my shoe! It would have been hilarious had I not been on my way to a very important job interview. Long story short, by the absolute Hand of God, they offered me the job! Not only that, but I had been praying that whatever job I got they would pay for all my moving expenses. The estimated moving cost? $3092. Their moving reimbursement? $3000. God is definitely good.
Last weekend, my best friend got married. It’s still surreal at this point. Really no words to describe how wonderful it was to witness the blessed event.
I’ve been in Boston since Sunday night, Graham and I are camping out and our stuff comes tomorrow. Woo hoo!! I already have several fabulous Boston stories to tell, one at a time though.
So, yesterday after walking all over Boston with Lex and Graham we ended up at Graham’s school. As we were walking around the campus, there was this pole, about 4 feet high or so. Both Graham and Lex “leap-frogged” over it, then I decided I wanted to take some pictures of them doing so.
After this I decided that I really wanted to try it myself. So Graham and Lex both patiently explained how to do it. And I attempted my first try: didn’t even make it off the ground! Again and again I tried, and it was like there was this invisible wall that was preventing me from hoisting myself off the ground. Then this guy walked by and Lex says to him “Look Emily, even this guy can do it, it’s so easy” so this guy proceeds to hop it himself, then gives Lex a high five and walks away grinning. 34th attempt: I get my feet off the ground, but I just hang there with my hands on the pole. I walk back, getting ready to try it again, and this different guy comes running up, leap-frogs it with just one hand, and runs off grinning. I try again, and again. No luck. This third guy comes walking up watching and says “Hey, you can do it! Let’s see it!” So, under the encouragement of a cute guy, I attempt again, hoisting myself up on the pole and instead of going over, I swing around it in a weird pole-dance-move and end up flat on my butt. All three guys are laughing so hard at this point, they can’t breathe. Yeah, even the stranger. Smooth Em, real smooth. The stranger walks off laughing, looking back as I attempt it again, and fail again. I try two more times, two more failures. (Lex informs me at this point that the stranger had been watching to see if I made it, and he finally walked off laughing) I go again, almost making it, but still not all the way over. Up walks this short, but somewhat muscular girl. Lex shouts out at her, “Hey Emily, I bet she can even do it!” So at this, the girl, who is shorter than me, leap frogs over it! I’m determined at this point. I have to do it!! Another failure. Then, this lady walks out of the building we are adjacent to, laughing as she watches me attempt two more tries and tells me I should stay close to the hospital.
I hope all those strangers that wet their pants laughing at me, read this blog. I DID IT!!!

hooray for blogging! Good job on leap frogging. Where are you friends with equal trouble leaping when you need them? How come everyone in boston can hop over things? Does Lex live there too? I thought he was married or something.
Lex roadtripped with Graham, so he wouldn't have to go the 4 days alone... Lex is married so I don't think we could convince him to move up east, plus I think he likes West TExas better than Boston!
Gotta love the uncoordinated sister too! We love you Em! Great job for finally making it over the tiny pole! :)
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