Sunday, March 18, 2007

So I've been here in Danville for a little over a week. It's taking time for me to get used to the narrow roads. There's this one STREET, accurately named "Jacob's alley". It's a street and yet at the same time it is the size of an alley. crazy. here are some pics I took today, they're not very good, mainly because my hands were freezing cold and I have no gloves and I didn't feel like taking the time for a good pic. The first ones are the picturesque and then the next two are labeled. My camera has "paint" program on it, which is fun, but it sure is hard to write that tiny!These are shots of Danville as you drive into it, crossing over the Susquehanna River.

I work just to the right of that big tan building.
So, I've had two male instructors for my clinicals, both have been married, older, but both a lot of fun. When my mom heard I was having another guy for an instructor, I think she prayed that he'd be young and single. Well, my instructor is just shy of being 5 months older than me. Yeah, 5 months, and he's already an instructor. He is cute, and muscular, but deeply committed in a releationship that I obviously don't have the experience to understand. Yesterday he was getting his name branded, er scratch that, tattoed on his girlfriend. Apparently to him its a sign of fidelity. It's hard to remember that he's my instructor and not just a guy in my class. But in his defense, he's been really good so far and as the week progressed, limited his use of the f-bomb. Much appreciated Scott. My tendency is to tease and joke a lot, but I'm being ultra-conservative on that end, not wanting to disrespect him since he is so young.
Anyways, nothing else interesting right now. I got two shirts on sale at the Gap for $13. Total. I love the Gap sometimes....
Falling in,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you live next to Geisinger??, no you don't.