Saturday, March 24, 2007

Snickers: 1994-2007

You got in my trash and my dirty laundry, you ate things off the floor and your flatulence could part the Red Sea. You snored and snorted, you looked like a pig or a stuffed sausage. And yet, you were our dog, and we loved you nonetheless.


Anonymous said...

snickers, you didn't throw up in my car when we dognapped you. You scratched me in the photo booth at the south plains mall. You posed for a wide array of pictures in a way only you could. Every Boston Terrier we see we call a "snickers dog" to this day. RIP

emily harrison said...

Snickers. it's like i can still sense your 'aroma'.

Good bye, dear dog.
good bye.

sarita said...

sad, so sad. I for one will miss the snoring the most...