Tuesday, August 03, 2010

The Year of the Reunion

Not the year of the dog. Nope. Not the year of the rat. This is the year of the reunion. I've already been to one. and we KNOW what an exciting time that was. Not to mention hot. Next up is the ten year high school reunion.

I could easily spend the next 500 words outlining how much I've changed in 10 years, or how some things in life will always feel like high school. But who wants to read about that? Lets talk about the main issue: I took an unofficial poll and 44 of the 54 "confirmed" coming to the reunion are married or in a serious relationship. (Thank you facebook for facilitating internet stalking.) That's nearly 82%. I don't even have a date, and already 82% are showing up in a committed relationship.
In West Texas, most people get married in early 20's -ish. The rest of the people get married by mid-twenties. To be late 20's (28) and not married always feels like a bit of an oddity in Lubbock. There's even a "family picnic" the day of the reunion for those people who have gone above and beyond in the last ten years and knocked out a kid or two.

So why even think about going? Well, I remember my mom going to her high school reunions and really enjoying them. And I like people, and catching up. And having another excuse to visit the Arney's in Lubbock is always nice. But are those reasons worth showing up to a high school reunion, catching up with the people that I spent 4 of my most awkward years with, only to feel more awkward because I'm alone???

And the two people who I spent the most time with my last two years in high school, who I'd want to see the most, likely won't be there. *cough Ellen and Melissa* Where is Melissa Whalen these days??? Bueler? Bueler?

Any advice? To go, or not to go?


Steve and Pam said...

My rec: don't go till at least the 20th! Or even the 40th! Why torture yourself! ;)

Elle said...

EM! You know I would absolutely be your date if I had any certainty of attending. I think you should be proud of your singleness. I would probably definitely go if I was in the area. But, contrary to your thoughts, I thought my most awkward years were junior high and therefore FHS was the BEST because nobody there knew me in JH.... Blah blah... Love you, miss you, keep blogging. You crack me up.

Emily said...

Brian, you little people motivator you! :D

sowlee said...

I think reunions might be over rated. Did I tell you I accidentally on purpose missed my 10 year and went horse camping instead? I think I had WAY more fun doing something I loved. Also, a certain girl we all know went and told me, quote, "It's probably good you didn't come. I don't think you would have known anybody there, anyway. It was all the popular crowd."
Nice, huh? Then she named off people that were there and I knew all of them. But she also said it's nice to go and see that you're not the only one who got fat. So there's that to consider- especially if you're NOT fat. ha ha. lord it.

DBo said...

I would vote go. Then again, I am in Lubbock and haven't quite decided if I want to go just yet (single as well... shall we take bets? I'm not a gambling man, but i've got $5 on less than 10 still flying solo -- and of that 10, about 2 showing up). Sic vita est!