Items of note:
I have been living life a little on the wild side recently.
Exhibit A: in the last 2 weeks I have killed two, count 'em! TWO garden snakes, with a measly spade. I won't get into the specifics of the size of said snakes, but let it be noted, they were snakes. That makes them guilty enough to be killed. Remember that part in Genesis? My heel, their head? done.
Exhibit B: A week ago I took flying trapeze lessons. yes. flying. trapeze. lessons. I'm that crazy. I was hoping to have a video to post, but my videographer (a.k.a. my friend Kristyn who invited me to take lessonns with her) hasn't emailed them yet. Flying trapeze was a little scary, a little fun, and a lot of heart-pounding. I'm not afraid of heights, but I always prefer "ground" to "above ground".
They started us off by ensuring that we were flexible/strong enough to put our legs up on a bar, hang up side down, and reach back up the bar. That's it. Then, we were harnessed in, and one by one we climbed the 20 foot ladder to the platform. 2 things inspired me to go through with it and not chicken out: 1. One of the instructors was a really good-looking guy who was totally ripped (for lack of a better phrase) and I didn't want to look like wuss in front of him. 2. In elementary school, our gym teacher "Mr. G.", took one day out of the year to see if each person in the class could climb the rope. A whole gym period of one person at a time trying to climb a freakin' rope. First year for me (3rd grade), I faked a stomach ache. Second year (4th grade), I feigned a sprained ankle, (that suddenly disappeared after gym class. smooth). In the last and final year for the rope-climbing attempt, I decided I was going to do it. This was MY YEAR, and NOTHING was going to stop me from completing the challenge! Except for 2 things: gravity and it turns out I wasn't that strong after all. I didn't even get two inches up the rope. After that I decided to stick with activities in which I knew I would excel. Like, the eraser shuttle. (Highly technical sport that is rudely overlooked by the Olympic committee.) And speed reading. In retrospect, I think my high school years would have been a lot different if I hadn't been given an award for the most Accelerated Reader Points of the whole junior high, in FRONT of the whole junior high. Long story short, the rope fiasco is always in the back of my mind, pushing me to try new athletic endeavors the first time, even if in the end I still fail at them.
More on trapezing (?) later, and possible a video for show and tell.
I'm so proud!! Can't wait to see the video. Also, hilarious post. Thanks for the smiles and giggles...
Wow. I couldn't do that. ever. I'm way too big a chicken. I would definitely pretend to have BOTH a stomach ache and a sprained ankle for that. kudos.
coolest sister ever!
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