Today, I did something equally as drastic and I was nervous through a lot of the 3 hours it took to do it... Yes, 3 hours. Things in Africa can sometimes take a little longer than in the states... and let's be honest: I have a lot of hair. As I was sitting in the chair, watching my hair transform before my eyes, I wondered why the change was so much harder 9.5 years later.
Change is a lot harder as we get older. The less change that happens, the harder it is to deal with when it does happen. AND it will happen.
So, changing yourself every now and then, even if its a small change, is good practice for when the big changes happen.
So, here's to change!

your hair looks great dark! way to be brave!!
wow. it looks good, em. you always have beautiful hair though. did your eyebrow color change too? or is it a trick of the eye?
The hair dresser took it upon herself to darken the eyebrows as well, so it would match. I showed her what I wanted and she gave instructions in another language to her assistant... I was an innocent bystander in the situation... IT's dark!
It looks beautiful - a reflection of your beautiful spirit! Love to all.
I love it Em!! Your eyes POP out against the dark hair. Looks stunning!
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