Sunday, February 15, 2009

A little update...

I feel a mutiny coming on... it's in the air. *Cue classic Genesis song*
So I'll post before the commoners start a good 'ole fashion uprising.

I'm sure all my faithful followers are wondering where in the world I am, but if you don't know by now, you'll just have to wait a little longer to find out...

I will say, I am sooo glad to be done with nursing homes, the smell of bleach acosting my nostrils everytime I walk in the door, mingled with the scent of old people b.o.
Now, before you get all "Oh no! She did NOT just start hating on the old people!" I love old people. What I don't love is working in a place where they've forgotten about decent human dignity and that old people should be given baths more often than twice a week.

This is usually in the post where I break up the monotony of my solioquy to insert a humerous, yet heart-warming story about my daily travails. Alas, no such story to digress this week.

I'll keep my eyes open for some pot hole I can trip in and make a clever story out of to share with you guys.

Until then, here are some clues about my whereabouts:
1. 16th most populous city in the nation
2. Home of 2 Fortune 500 Companies: Dell and Whole Foods
3. Home of Nelly, Willie Nelson, and Sandra Bullock
4. Live Music Capital of the World


Steve and Pam said...

I know!! I know!!! But I won't tell!! Missin' ya!

Sara said...

I think I have officially surpassed you in blog posts for 2009.....
When's a new one coming on your end? :)

Steve and Pam said...

OK, silence, when you're a half a world away, is NOT least tell us how your new job is? Are you liking where you live? We love you!!

Anonymous said...

Uh, maybe you are in the city we are going to this weekend to visit my family! Oh, we have a prayer meeting for your parents tonight. I wish you were still in Lubbock so you could come!