Friday, November 07, 2008

new. car. volvo. yes.

This, is my new car. Yes, you read right. I now own my very first car!!! And I haggled the price and got them to take the price down, lower the finance rate, and give me free car washes for life!

I'm pretty excited.


Anonymous said...

Love the new car!!! Does the free car wash from life mean you have to drive back to Lubbock every week???
love you, Allie

Anonymous said...

Free car washes for life? What? Where? Any car wash? How sweet is that.

emily louise said...

I get free Car Washes at Mears Mazda. Anytime I want!!

And yes, Allie, that does mean that if I was in desperate need of a free car wash, I could drive back to Lubbock every week! :)