We all like our own space. Sometimes however, others don't realize they are invading our space. We all use different techniques to mark our territory. I can't always explain why people do the things they do. Take my brother Graham for example: he has a unique way to make his presence known and keep his space to himself that is totally unique to himself. Well, that's not completely true. He does share this technique with one other species on earth:
Graham's Marking His Territory
I know. Dis-gusting. But, he's my brother, and I love him.
Wow! As a veterinarian, I would hope that you would take your brother to the doctor because that ain't right...maybe a parasite? food allergy? stress colitis? dysentary? E.coli?
Have a Great 4th of July...and maybe some Metronidazole for the bro! You brother gets a special prayer tonight! Don't drink the water in Boston!
Em, Just WHERE do you find these videos? Do you have too much time on your hands? I did laugh, though it was quite disgusting. I agree with Emervet...maybe he does need some help...though we all know your brother's not like that!!! ???? LOLOL
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