Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Down in the West Texas Town of El Paso, I fell in Love with a Mexican Girl

I came home tonight, hungry, and tired from handling some *insert PC term for crazy/difficult* patients all afternoon.

If you're a frequent reader (shout-out to mi madre and mi hermanas), you'll remember that back in March i had a little pity party for myself, after I spent my birth-day alone, without cake (I love cake) and I had gained 2 pounds after starting WeightWatchers. I again apologize for the whining session, but I don't advertise this site to be a complaint-free-site, just an honest site.

Anyways, fast forward to July. My goal was to have lost 10 pounds by now. What I didn't figure into the equation was the months it would take to straighten out how I thought about food and portions. I've now successfully switched to Diet Dr. Pepper as my soda of choice, and have seen a small change in the scale using WeightWatchers points tracker, though I'll wait for a big number change until I make a big hullabaloo about it.

All this to say, I came home tonight, hungry, ready to make some healthy tacos with my easy-taco-seasoning mix in the cabinet. Only to find *gasp* there wasn't any! So, what does a mature, well-adjusted, independent, college-graduate-with-a-master's-degree-professional-woman do? I hit speed dial and called my mom in Texas. She, being the fabulous home-economics-degree-holding mom that she is, looked on the back of her taco seasoning mix and told me what was in it.
So, I took a plunge. I MADE TACOS FROM SCRATCH!!

They turned out so good, and were healthy at the same time, that I thought I'd share the recipe. Any additions that you think would be helpful would be appreciated.

Combine 1/4 tsp of the following ingredients:
cumin, chili powder, dried oregano, black pepper, table salt, sugar, paprika, garlic powder, and Chicken Fajita Seasoning*.

Meanwhile, brown 1/2 pound of ground turkey. After thoroughly cooked, add a little less than 1/4 cup of water and mixed seasonings. Simmer for a few minutes on low.

Placing in corn tortillas (soft or hard): refried beans, fresh avocado, taco meat, lettuce, tomato, onion, and low-fat or fat-free cheddar cheese.

the 1/2 pound of turkey made about 3 1/2 hard tacos worth of turkey tacos. Muy delicious-o.

Also, here's the best part: If you are a WeightWatchers Point counter: Use fat-free Cheddar cheese and 2 tacos (which are plenty-filling with all the ingredients) is just a 7-point meal! Ole!

Okay, I'm no Betty Crocker, so take the recipe and change it however you like.

*Chicken Fajita Seasoning made by the Fiesta Brand is a staple for any kitchen, and a great seasoner for any food!


Steve and Pam said...

Way to go! You're becoming a real TEXAS (ummm, yankee) "becky home-ecky". Think this will work in Namibia????

emily louise said...

Of course it will work! I'll ship you all the seasonings, like you've done for me. :)

Anonymous said...

hi em! I'm a faithful reader - just more of the non-commenting lurker variety. I'm going to have to try this recipe. It sounds delicious. ALSO, did you get my message about having a new cell phone number? hope all is well in boston. much love.

emily louise said...

Erin!!!! Got your number, yes, thank you, I've been a horrible non-phone caller recently. I apologize. Keep on stalking, just leave a funny calling card every now and then so I know you're still around! much love to you too!