Friday, June 27, 2008

I came home tonight, frustrated. Frustrated with myself, frustrated with the fact that I seem to be invisible to the male race, frustrated with God that He lets me continue on this journey of being single with no end in sight, frustrated in having to walk home by myself at 11pm in Boston, just plain 'ole frustrated about a lot of things. Mainly frustrated with things I can't control. They take my attention away from God and yet I continue to feed them like a pig getting ready for Spring slaughter.
God's love is so amazing in the fact that he knew my sins would include being mad at him for things so mundane, so childish as these, and yet he still gave his life. If I were God, I would have given up on myself long ago, and said she's not worth giving my life for, and yet God made me worthy, made me righteous. And as I meditate on God's goodness in light of this situation, love for God takes over and self-pity has no room to lurk.
I wish I could say I will never come home feeling like this again, but chances aren't great for that. Primarily because there is one who still prowls the earth seeking to destroy. Apparently though, he didn't read the ending. The part where Jesus returns for his Bride. That's the ultimate ending that makes it all worth it.

Let me hear joy and gladness; let the bones you have crushed rejoice.
Hide your face from my sins and blot out all my iniquity.
Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me.
Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit to sustain me.

Psalm 51: 8-12


emergencyvet87 said...


Whew! girl..I am at the clinic and I thought I would check in..Listen your faith will lead you to the right place and God's will in your life IS all that matters. You are a beautiful soul and your scriptures and timely comments have help me so very much. I have been guilty of not appreciating all of God's many blessing in my life and that leads to unnecessary pain and sadness. Rejoice that you know Christ's Love and the peace and purpose of life he brings. I will be praying hard for you!

Sara said...

Oh Emmy dear sister....God will bring you just the right person at just the right time. Love will find you when you least expect it. Enjoy this time when you are able to focus solely on yourself b/c later in life, you will miss it! :) I love you and am praying for God to heal your heart and bring you your soul mate. Keep your chin up! Love you!

emergencyvet87 said...

See my blog for One if by land, Two if by sea. I hope you have a great week and God Bless

sarita said...

Hi Em, I love you, and I wish I was there to give you a hug.

SilentHeart said...

I am going through the same frustration s that you mentioned.

Being hard of hearing and struggling with issues like social anxiety and lack of self confidence, I am missing out on the joy of being the partner of a loving and caring woman.

This also caused me to become mad at God, and currently I am walking the road alone...and this is worse than never marrying at all.

Keep the faith Emily! And I believe that God will bless you because you are honest about your feelings for Him, and you have chosen Him to walk by your side!