Shopping at Urban Outfitters can be a little like cleaning out your grandmother's attic. You may find a fabulous treasure, but for the most part the clothes look old, smell old, and you think to yourself: Is this a piece of my grandmother's lingerie?
So, something happens when you hit your mid-twenties. Your metabolism goes for a permanent vacation. Yeah, awesome, I know. I'm now coming to accept this, and realizing there are some eating habits I have to change. One of is drinking cokes. Here's the thing though: I've tried PLENTY of times to give up coke, and what I realized is that I really don't want to. However, I can't keep drinking them and still stay in single digit clothing. So, I conducted a massive, thorough, very complicated experiment to determine which diet drink I could stand. (i.e. I bought random drinks at the store until I found one I liked) And the results are overwhelming. Based on sound reasoning by taste buds #1 through 67, Diet Dr. Pepper is the best diet cola. It beat out Coke zero by a tenth of a margin. So, that's that. oh, and Lean Cuisine flatbread sandwiches are really good for being "healthy".
That is one purely scientific sample of ONE!! Go out and find 29 other people to try the various drinks and then you can draw conclusions. And your probably rate, please? LOLOL (hm...wonder who's posting this?)
Hi Emily,
I was blog surfing, and I stumbled upon your blog. This post is exactly my life right now! I turned 25 like 3 weeks ago, and I have decided that it's time to do a major overhaul on my diet. My first solution -- I've given up drinking cokes at restaurants. Only water for me! I don't like it, but it's like you said...I really want to stay in the single digits when it comes to clothes sizes :)
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