Tuesday, July 06, 2010

oh my. its been so long.

This post is for all those moms out there who live in West Texas with three small children and derive a good portion of their entertainment living vicariously through the hilarious escapades outlined on this blog.... FACT! This post is for Sal. FACT: this post may not be all that entertaining. FACT: There will be a post coming soon detailing the hilarious, and yet true, ongoings at my family reunion in Arkansas 2 weeks ago.

Just for clarification, my family that reunioned is not from Arkansas. Forrest City, AR just HAPPENS to be the half-way point between Houston, Texas and Muncy, Indiana. I'll explain later. However, the other side of my family is from Arkansas, and no, none of my cousins married.

Today was my day off and this is what I did:
slept until 10am
ate breakfast
Had an hour long meeting with a dietician about how to eat healthier and make good food choices... very informative!
Ate lunch (a very healthy one in light of my recent meeting)
Cleaned for 2.5 hours! Including scrubbing the dirty, mildewy shower. eww, eww, eww. When I grow up, I'm going to have a clawfoot tub that does not have tile surrounding it that I have to scrub all the time.
Went to a workout class at the gym and realized I shouldn't have skipped the gym in the last month.
Went to my community group where we had a great and honest discussion about sin, grace, and fruits of the Spirit.

And that's my day.

My dad is coming in 2 days and I am very excited to see him. I love greeting people at the airport that I haven't seen in awhile. The anticipation is wonderful and exciting. Of course, the flip side is that usually if you pick someone up from the airport, you have to drop them off eventually... But, we shan't think of that today.

Okay, so sorry for the long absence. I've been working a lot and have been gone a lot to not exciting places like Forrest City, AR.
Hold on though, there's more coming at you soon!


sowlee said...

Ahhh, it feels like I have been to a family reunion recently in Arkansas. It feels like I am about to pick up my dad at the airport...
that's better.

Sara said...

I hope you include in your next post the BEST part of that trip to Arkansas........ hehe.