Wednesday, July 18, 2007

stuck in the middle again...

Well, I think my trips to Boston are cursed... Okay, not really. But they sure are blessed with lots of rain and delays. I'm currently on my way to Boston for a job interview. And I've been sitting in the Austin airport for the past 3.5 hours, and I have 2.5 more hours to go. Then I'll fly for 4 hours to Boston. I should get to my hotel room around midnight tonight. sheesh, i'm tired just reading that. Maybe I'm being a whiny baby about it, but seriously, why can't they control the weather?!? :)

My interview is at 11:45am EST tomorrow, accepting all prayers for a blessed event.


Anonymous said...

Hi Em - It's 10:30 here so you have your interview in 15 minutes. I am definitely sending some good juju your way.

And if by some freak chance you read this in the next 15 minutes, I think I should remind you not to tell the story about the oxygen tank.

Anonymous said...

hope it went well. also I'm assuming tennis is OUT for tomorrowsies?