Sunday, June 03, 2007

Before and After

The picture on the left was taken on my very first day of PT School. No, the wind was not blowing as the picture was taken, unfortunately my hair does its own thing sometimes. I showed up late, the very first day, with wet hair, per usual. 3 long years. Lots of good times, a few crappy ones, but overall I am soooo glad I followed God's calling to PT school. And I couldn't have done it without His Hand guiding me the whole way. Trust me, I wouldn't have even made it past the 2nd semester kinesiology class (fortunately a 70.4 is passing!) if God hadn't orchestrated it all. I have no idea whats next, I mean, obviously I'll get a job, my school loans demand that. But my college life, as I've known in the past 7 years, is over.

I think of the hardest times in my life, and they are always times of serious change. It's hard, but when I get through it, I'm hopeful I know God better and am enjoying where He's taken me.

Okay, enough sappy reminiscing...uh, is that spelled right? HA! To think I once started out as a photojournalism major and prided myself on my spelling skills! oh, how the prideful are brought low... I watched "Never Been Kissed" tonight, and I realized how my life eeriely parallels some parts of that movie. Unforunately, there is no Michael Vartan look-alike in my life. Why can't we choose the parallels?

In other news, I made it a total of 4 days, 3 nights by myself in the mountains. That's it. I just am not good at being by myself, especially at night. Oh well. Let's pray for better study times at home. I did take some photos while at the cabin, OBVIOUSLY fantastic quality photos, you'll be asking yourself afterwards, "why in the world did she drop photojournalism?"


Anonymous said...

you are so grown up now. so, so... I don't know- you know?

call me back and/or give me your boston address!!!!!!!!!!!!

sarita said...

Yeah-ya, I like that life is good picture Emily! Good work on the aloneness made it a pretty long time, fo real! And what an amazing thing God has done, taking you through pt school. Wow, and what adventures he has planned now! You are going to be an AMAZING pt! I love you!!!!

Anonymous said...

hi friend. so who knew being in austin meant i didn't get to hang out with lubbock friends. i thought lubbock and austin were like next door neighbors. they're not. austin is good though. oh and the before and after pics... well, let's just say the ear piercing and mac encounter... those were good bdays. (those did happen after pt start didn't they???)

Chris said...

glad you can still reminisce with the ole Aggie hat. glad to see life is treating you well EB & miss the days of poli sci 207 in blocker...

boston is amazing!

chris ernst '02

Elle said...

Well done bella. I'm proud of you. You're beautiful.

emily harrison said...

you ARE beautiful. I'm glad that you have followed Him too. also, as a photocomm degree holder, you're not missing out. turns out it's not in that high demand.