I am exhausted... Working in a neuro setting is way tough, not just physically demanding, but mentally as well. And I worked this weekend which meant just 1 day to recoup. Wednesday was an especially tough day, mainly because I am a freakin' girl who can't seem to control her emotions at times. Someone where I work was telling everyone during lunch that he didn't need to worry about him and his girlfriend having kids, because he could just "hit the A-button". I asked him what the "A-button" was, having never heard that phrase before and he replied "Abortion". In an instant I lost my appetite and it was as if someone had slapped me in the face. I felt so much hurt, it wasn't because he said the word abortion, it was the casual manner in which he spoke. Tears came to my eyes and I didn't know whether to punch the guy or burst into tears. I really wanted to do both. So I quietly slipped off to the bathroom and cried there. I felt it personally, having two beautiful nieces that weren't wanted by their dads.
I tried to pull myself together, but I was so upset I was shaking. Why did this have such an effect on me? I still can't figure that part out. Maybe it was because I am friends with this guy, and I feel hurt for him and for his girlfriend. And I feel hurt for the human life that is taken. I returned to the table, trying to act casual, but my stupid face always turns red and stays red when I cry. So this other PT student at the table asked me, in front of everyone, "are you okay?" Nice girl, just doesn't always think first before she speaks. (uh, i sure don't know ANYONE else like that!) So I said I was fine, and I think it was at this moment that the guy saw my face and perhaps realized I was upset about something, because he proceeded to ask me how my morning had gone. Later, when it was just he and I, I told him his comment was very upsetting and I told him why and I apologized for getting upset. And he said he was sorry for saying it and realizes he needs a filter on his mouth. But it took a couple hours before I calmed down all the way. All I wanted to do was go home and cry in bed. But I had to be professional, so I prayed a lot all afternoon. And God, in his goodness, got me through.
I know God made me very empathetic for a reason, but some days I wish I could turn all those feelings off!
In other news, today was Easter and I got up and went to the 6:30AM SONRISE SERVICE. Yep, I sure did say 6:30am. It was pretty good, but I was more out of it than anything. Here's a picture of Lily, the granddaughter of the sweet people I'm staying with. She has latched on to me pretty well since my first day here. Sunday afternoons I have to sneak off without her seeing so that I can get some stuff done and she can take a nap! We are BFF.
6:30 in the morning?? sick. i don't think we have one of those in texas. at least i hope not.
There are sunrises daily in TX; just some of us don't or can't move our bodies out of bed to see them. I hear they are beautiful - even in the clouds.
Hi Emily.
ps. I think you are fabulous.
yeah, sunrises= overrated. sleep= underrated.
erin, don't forget what we talked about the other night. you + me = NYC. ok? ok.
emily, next time you see graham would you tell him to stop using your comment page as a private message board for notes to erin? ok? ok.
sike! but still.
The little girl is cute. I'm glad you like the package. sorry- no blluebonnets. I found something that you will be happy to see in the mail soon...
hope the tortillas stayed fresh-ish.
bLuebonnets. arg.
this lack of posting is ridiculous
Ditto that Graham! I am highly disappointed in you for not having posted since EASTER! My fav blogger is letting me down. ;) Can't wait to see you on Saturday. Lova ya!
Give this "poster" a break, guys. She's very busy helping folks recover and learn to live again. Not that the rest of us aren't doing important things...like saving flowers in the garden! And hey, GWB, where's your blog, poster guy? SLW, you're blog is great!
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