Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Off I go!

In two weeks I'll be heading off to my very last clinical in Danville, PA. Understandably, since Danville is small, I don't expect any of you to know where Danville is located. Thanks to Mapquest, you no longer will have an excuse of ignorance:

Danville is really only about 1700 miles away, that's approximately 130 half-marathons. Needless to say, I won't be emulating Christian McEvoy, I'll fly there. There are some pretty big differences between Danville and Lubbock which will take a little bit of time to adjust to. Probably the biggest: the weather.

Today in Lubbock it is a balmy 74 degrees, sunny, minimal wind, 13% humidity. Pretty nice. It should continue like that for the rest of the week, with lows being in the mid to high 40s.

Today in Danville it is a chilly 42 degrees (which is actually warmer than it has been in the past couple of weeks.) Snow and freezing rain expected throughout the week. My Aunt Kathie (whom I'll be staying with) said that they don't usually expect spring-like weather until June or July. WHAT?!? June or July? Apparently, no one has informed the northeast that June and July are both considered to be "summer months"

From my favorite topic of weather, to my next favorite topic: food. and Target. The closest Target to Danville is 50 miles away...! For those of you who are away from friends and family, my recommendation to you is to visit Target. Whenever I'm away on clinicals I always go to Target because it is the same no matter what. And you feel like any minute you'll run into an old friend. Continuing on, after performing a Yahoo Yellow Pages search of "Mexican Restaurants" in Danville, I found 2. Apparently the "Arizona Cafe" has the market on Mexican food in Danville. The nearest Taco Bell is 28 miles away. (NOTE: I do not condone eating at Taco Bell, it is definitely not my favorite, however it was the only name I recognized.) Now, when I perform the same search for the Lubbock area I come up with 54. 3 of those 54 being my beloved favorite "Rosa's". I'll probably come back 10 lbs lighter due to my lack of taco intake. Side note: the nearest Sonic is 61 miles away in Ephrata, PA. Apparently Sonic may be America's Drive-In, but it sure isn't Pennsylvania's. If Sonic and/or Rosa's goes out of business over the next 10 weeks, you'll know why...

Feel free to write me while I'm gone. I love letters. Especially Fat Letters. And Love Letters. And Fat Love Letters. Okay, I'm overdoing it, but seriously, write me. However, if you want my address you'll have to e-mail me or message me on facebook. I can't be throwing addresses around in cyberspace, you never know who will catch them.

In conclusion, I, Emily L Brown, do solemnly swear to continue using the word "coke" meaning any caffeinated, carbonated beverage that may or may not include Dr. Pepper, Sprite, and Minute Maid Orange cola. Furthermore, I do thereby promise to not replace my verbage of "y'all" with "you guys" I will remain ever true to Texas except in instances of minor persecution and distress, while I am away in the nether regions of the east known as Pennsylvania.


emily harrison said...

look out penn! I'm sure you'll have a swell time of it. i'm happy that you're so near completion. and i am really proud of you.

kate said...

uh... is there another word for coke than coke? all cokes are coke and anyone who things differently is selling something (name that movie).

kate said...

thinks... thinks differently... i'm a dork.

Elle said...

Emi Lou! You're so close to me! If you have time- let's get together- yeah yeah yeah

Anonymous said...

ah, kate...thats easy. that has to be pride and prejudice..the new one, with kiera knightly. she's so hot.