Monday, January 15, 2007

yada yada yada

Colton is now 6 months old! It's incredible how fast the time has gone by. When Ryleigh and Paige were growing up I was right there through everything. I saw every monumental crawl and diaper change. But now, it's different when he's so far away.
This weekend we went to the mountains of New Mexico, hoping for snow. The snow came to Lubbock. Irony sucks.
When we stopped in Lovington to eat lunch, my mom was putting her trash in the trashcan and oops! The tray slipped, and went in the trashcan. My mom threw away the tray of a multi-billion dollar hamburger chain! I don't think that makes her a felon though, thank goodness, I need her around to teach me all her fantastic cooking skills, that way when I go to grate cheese, I know what side of the grater to use. (I know now people!)


Anonymous said...

he can sit up by himself already?? I'm so jealous!

er, not for me... I can sit up by myself, I meant for Ranger.

emily louise said...

Dear Ranger,
You will be sitting as well, soon, very very soon. And it will be glorious, glorious indeed!

sarita said...

you know, grating cheese with the right side isn't all it's cracked up to be. knowing how to make scrambled eggs isn't either. someday we shall be fab-o cooks emily, never fear!